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Showing posts from July, 2022

How to Consolidate Customer and Vendor Balances in Business Central

Understand that some customer of the company might be the vendor of the company too. There is a feature in Business Central that allows users to consolidate both customer and vendor balances without making unnecessary payment or receipts. Prerequisite Setup for Customer and Vendor Consolidation Page: Marketing Setup           1.        Setup a Business Relation Code for each Customers and Vendors.          2 .        Assign a number series under Contact Nos. A number will be pickup from the number series when there is a new Contact code created. To Link the Relation between Customer Card and Vendor Card 1.        Go to Customer Card, look for the customer that you need to link in Customer Contact. 2.        Confirm the Customer Name that you have selected. 3.        Link with the Customer with existing Vendor. (Path: Actions > Functions > Link with Existing > Vendor) 4.        Select the Vendor No. from the vendor listing to link. 5.        The Contact Business Relation

Business Central Fixed Asset Budget

The main reason for setting up budgeted assets is to calculate future depreciation on assets. But you can also use the budgeted asset to monitor the Fixed Asset acquisitions, this is to make sure the team spend within the budgeted limit that set by the management. The budget control can come into control when you are preparing to purchase the fixed asset, you must create a new asset to capture the actual acquisition cost and link to the Budgeted Assets either through Purchase Invoice, Fixed Asset G/L Journal, or Fixed Asset Journal. Once purchased, you can compare the budgeted cost to the actual cost. By setting up the Budgeted Assets, this will also help to get the future depreciation for the budgeted assets. Say if you are going to purchase assets next year, and you are preparing budget for next year, you can get to know how much is the total depreciation that you are planning to acquire for next year.   Create Budgeted Fixed Asset Page: Fixed Asset   If you are planning

How to Import Data from Excel in Business Central

Did you know you can use Excel to import data such as Payable and Receivable transaction into Business Central? This feature is available in both BC On Prem and BC Cloud.   Page: General Journals                1.        To start preparing data in Excel, first, you will need to prepare a “Template” from BC, so that it gives you a guide where to key in the data that you need in Excel later. Create an entry in General Journals screen.     Note: You can exclude the fields  by hiding some of the columns on the General Journal page, you can use the Personalise feature to hide the unused columns. Click here to check how you can customise the fields in General Journal page.          2.           You will need to copy the entry created. To select the line, select Option > Select More.               3 .        Once the line is selected, copy the line by using the keyboard shortcut key [CTRL + C]. You should see a message pop up saying, “ 1 row copied ”.               4 .        Paste th

How to set option to select which Sales Invoice number series to convert from Sales Order

Some companies might have different types of income source; hence they will require more than 1 set of running number series to track their sales invoice based on type of income. One example for this scenario here is a company require to create Sales Order from BC, once the customer agree with the terms and conditions, the company will convert the Sales Order to become Sales Invoice, but they need the choice to select which Sales Invoice number series to use before the Sales Order is converted.   The option to choose Sales Invoice number series can be enabled by adding an additional field “ Posting No. Series ” to Sales Order page. Do take note that you will need to use the Designer mode to pull this field out. How it works is, before the Sales Order is convert to Sales Invoice, select the option from Posting No. Series field. User can choose which number series to be used when the Sales Order is converted from here. Proceed to post the Sales Order once the Sales Invoice number

Why you need 2 Number Series when setting up Journal Batches in Business Central

Most of the clients that we have come through have the same question asked on why they can’t just maintain 1 posting number series for transaction posting in especially in Journals related page such as General Journals, Payment Journals and Cash Receipt Journals. The main reason for such design in BC is to prevent gaps in the document number sequence especially in financial transaction. This feature come in handy if auditors to check if there are any gaps in the document number assigned to. I will use the following scenario to explain how it works. A journal batch was created with the following number series assigned in No. Series and Posting No. Series. When the entries are being prepared but not posted, system will assign the document number from “No. Series” – WJV22-00001. The following entries are prepared, and BC auto assigns the next document number based on the No. Series setting in General Journal Batch. After reviewing the entries, the entries with Document Number “WJV22-00003

How to Correct Dimension in Business Central

It is crucial that posted Dimension Values should be correct to ensure the financial reporting gives accurate info. There are few ways to correct a wrongly posted Dimension Values in Business Central, you can do a correction by using the “Reverse Transaction” in the respective ledger entries or creating a correcting entry like using Credit Memo. I would prefer to use the “Correct Dimension” feature in BC to rectify the wrongly posted Dimension Value, as this is faster compared to any suggested steps above and it keeps the risk of users creating errors to the lowest.   However, the Correct Dimension feature only corrects the dimension values in General Ledger level, the change will not flow back to the source document, say if the entry is originated from the AP Posted Purchase Invoice.   Page: General Ledger Entries In this scenario, the following entries Dimension “Customergroup Code” needs to change from LARGE to SMALL.                1.        Select the entries that need to